The search for a new Rangers CEO has taken another unexpected turn as St Mirren’s vice-chairman, Jim Gillespie, has reportedly pulled out of the running. Just weeks ago, it looked like the lifelong Rangers fan was set to step into the shoes of James Bisgrove, but now the club finds itself back at square one. So, where does this leave Rangers? And what’s next for one of the biggest clubs in Scotland?

Original Story: Rangers Set to Appoint Lifelong Fan Jim Gillespie as New Chief Executive

The Gillespie U-turn – What Happened?

The story of Jim Gillespie’s potential appointment first broke in mid-August, with reports that the deal was all but done. At the time, it seemed like a surprise, not just because of Gillespie’s connection to St Mirren, but because it felt like a left-field choice, with Jim never holding a CEO position at a football club before. Yet, here we are almost four weeks later, with Gillespie pulling the plug on what many thought was a sure thing.

So, why the sudden change of heart? There’s been plenty of speculation. Some believe that the Rangers board was testing the waters by leaking the story to the press. The appointment didn’t exactly generate the buzz they were hoping for, with several high-profile figures subtly highlighting the kind of experience that Gillespie lacked. Perhaps this public reaction led to the decision to move on, or maybe Gillespie himself decided that this wasn’t the right step for him after all. Regardless of the reason, the result is the same: Rangers are still without a CEO.

Bevington – A New Frontrunner?

With Gillespie out of the picture, attention has turned to another candidate: Adrian Bevington. The former FA chief has an impressive résumé, with nearly two decades spent working with the England national team and a wealth of experience in football operations. He’s been linked with the Rangers job for a while now, and last week, he gave an interview with Go Radio where he didn’t rule out the possibility of working in Scottish football. In fact, he praised Rangers as a “huge football institution” with a global fan base and suggested that Scottish football as a whole has significant potential for growth.

It’s easy to see why Bevington might appeal to the Rangers board. He’s got the kind of experience that the club could really benefit from, particularly when it comes to the commercial side of the game and navigating the complex world of football politics. His background with the FA and his time as Middlesbrough’s head of recruitment operations suggest he’s got the right blend of football industry knowledge and business acumen.

Bevington’s Past: A Sticking Point?

However, it’s not all smooth sailing when it comes to Bevington. There’s been some chatter about his involvement with Kyle Fox, an American businesswoman who once tried to buy a significant stake in Rangers. The deal didn’t go through, and it even led to legal action, with the club accusing Fox of trying to lure investors without proper authorisation. Bevington, for his part, has been quick to downplay his role in the saga, insisting that he only acted as an introducer and that his intentions were always professional.

Is this history enough to derail his chances of becoming Rangers’ next CEO? Only time will tell, but it’s certainly something that could raise eyebrows among the Ibrox faithful.

The Waiting Game Continues

As it stands, Rangers are still searching for a new CEO at a time when the club desperately needs stability. The pressure is mounting on the board to get this appointment right. Whoever takes on the role will have to navigate the tricky waters of a demanding fan base, tough competition, and the ever-present financial challenges of Scottish football.

Adrian Bevington could be the steady hand that Rangers need, but questions remain. Will the board push ahead with talks, or will they look elsewhere? And how much longer can the club afford to go without a permanent CEO in place?

One thing is for sure – the Rangers support will be watching closely. We’ve seen the highs and lows that come with life at Ibrox, and right now, we’re all hoping for a decision that sets the club on the right path.

But until that happens, the search goes on…

2 thought on “Gillespie Drops Out of CEO Race, Bevington Steps Forward”
  1. Thanks for the link to that article. This does seem to explain why talks between Rangers and Gillespie broke down. What are the thoughts of the St Mirren fans on all this?

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